Research & Insights
We maintain deep expertise across a variety of tech-focused sectors and provide our clients with unmatched industry knowledge and experience to artfully position businesses and extract value.

Retailers Taking Control of Their Technology
There is a growing trend of non-tech acquirers participating in the technology M&A market as large traditional companies seek...

Payments Companies Generating Substantial Valuations in Early 2019
While public markets saw a significant cutback in IPOs during January, the government shutdown had limited effects upon the...

Application Software Transactions Lead the Pack in Deal Volume and Size
During the 4th quarter of 2018, application software deals were the most prevalent, accounting for 49.2% of 63 total...

CRM Consulting Firms Are Hot M&A Targets
Over the last year, acquisitions of customer relationship management (CRM) services and integration companies have proved a common and...

The Air Travel Software Market Continues Ascent
Air travel is increasing at a rapid clip. As more people take flight, the demand for air travel software...

Banks Continue the Hot Trend of Embracing Transformation
Banks and other financial institutions continue the trend of intense M&A activity in July with several notable transactions. Financial...

Salesforce continues acquisition spree past CRM Software-as-a-Service
Since the beginning of 2016, Salesforce has completed 16 acquisitions, integrating a wide range of new companies and technology...

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning M&A sees bump in 2018
Deal Values Soar in Machine Learning Space: As the Internet of Things expands and the amount of data being...

Extraordinary Sustained M&A Activity in the Digital Services Sector
It seems like the Digital Services sector did not get the memo. Spending on deals in the tech M&A...